Campus Ace (王牌校草) Plot Story Abd Cast: Chinese Drama

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What the story of Chinese Drama Wang Pai Xiao Cao (王牌校草)? Who are the casts? When will this drama be aired?

Wang Pai Xiao Cao (王牌校草) also known as "Campus Ace", and "Ace School Grass" directed by Zheng Luen, adapted from comic manhua  Wang Pai Xiao Cao" (王牌校草) by Ake Culture (阿柯文化). This drama genre are drama, friendship, and love. 

Campus Ace (王牌校草) become Chinese Tv Drama online starring: Zeng Xueyao, Yang Tao, Zhang Linyuan, Wang Zhengrui, Bi Shaoyan. This drama have 24 episode and 45 minutes length per episodes, and first broadcast on March 18, 2022. The series scheduled to air on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 12.00. 

wang pai xiao Cao synopsis
Image Via @腾讯视频

Campus Ace (王牌校草) tell the story of Tang Momo, who aims to become a clothing designer, is unexpectedly colorblind. However, Ling Yao came from a wealthy family, but he could never find the direction of his full strength. Because he is addicted to holding on to dissatisfaction all day long, he has become a problem teenager in the eyes of many people. The seemingly unrelated two people started a campus life where they fell in love and killed each other. The repeated setbacks of survival make the two suffer from the same disease.

Synopsis of Campus Ace (王牌校草) 

Tang Momo, who aims to become a fashion designer in "Ace School Grass", is unexpectedly colorblind. However, Ling Yao was born in a wealthy family, but he could not find the direction of his efforts. Because he is obsessed with "going chivalrous and fighting for justice" all day, he has become a "problem boy" in the eyes of many people. 

The seemingly unrelated two people started a campus life of falling in love and killing each other. The life of repeated setbacks made the two cherish each other until they inspired each other to embark on the road of entrepreneurship. What kind of sparks will a poor boy with outstanding talent and a famous family collide with a vigorous girl who is brave and never gives up?

5th Episode Summary of Campus Ace (王牌校草)

Episode 1

Tang Momo, a sunny and positive girl with vitality, beat the evil and ruthless son Ling Yao. At this time, she should have been chasing her dream of becoming a designer in the classroom. All this was thanks to her troublesome girlfriend Han Xiaoai.

Tang Momo mistook Ling Yao for justice as the bully on campus, and angrily pushed him out of the swimming pool. She also posted an article on the campus online about Ling Yao bullying classmates, causing all the students in the school to hide from Ling Yao. Because of Ling Yao's negative reports, the stock price of Ling's Group, where Ling Yao's father belongs, plummeted. In a fit of rage, Ling Yao's father called and insulted Ling Yao indiscriminately, and the father and son quarreled.

The female classmates who like Ling Yao united and splashed Tang Momo with instant noodles, which completely angered Tang Momo. Knowing that the female classmates were preparing to hit him with water polo, the quirky Tang Momo lied that he had evidence for Ling Yao and asked Ling Yao out. Just as the classmates smashed the water polo at Tang Momo, Ling Yao rushed out and helped Tang Momo block the attack. Due to inertia, Ling Yao accidentally kissed Tang Momo's forehead.

Episode 2

The female classmates who like Ling Yao united and splashed Tang Momo with instant noodles, which completely angered Tang Momo. Knowing that the female classmates were preparing to hit him with water polo, the quirky Tang Momo lied that he had evidence for Ling Yao and asked Ling Yao out. Just as the classmates smashed the water polo at Tang Momo, Ling Yao rushed out and helped Tang Momo block the attack. Due to inertia, Ling Yao accidentally kissed Tang Momo's forehead.

Because of Ling Yao's hero saving the beauty, their scandal spread all over the school, and even the teammates of the basketball team made fun of Ling Yao, but Ling Yao had no intention of clarifying the scandal, which made Feifei, who likes him, feel very uncomfortable. . So, Feifei ran to warn Tang Momo, and also tore up Tang Momo's design, making Tang Momo speechless.

At night, Tang Momo exposed that Ling Yao's campus bullying party followed Tang Momo all the way, took the photo of Tang Momo that she secretly took, and confessed to her, but Tang Momo refused. Even so, the perverted man still didn't give up, but even more excessively knocked down Tang Momo, making Tang Momo scream loudly.

Episode 3

Tang Momo exposed that the party who was bullying Ling Yao's campus followed Tang Momo all the way, took the photo of Tang Momo she secretly took, and confessed to her, but Tang Momo refused. Even so, the perverted man still didn't give up, but even more excessively knocked down Tang Momo, making Tang Momo scream loudly. At the critical moment, Ling Yao appeared in time, gave him a perverted meal, and handed him over to the security guard.

Seeing the frightened Tang Momo, Ling Yao immediately took off his jacket, put it on her, and helped her pack the items scattered on the ground into her bag. Knowing that Tang Momo twisted her foot, Ling Yao carried her to the infirmary without saying a word, which made Tang Momo very moved.

Since the doctor in the infirmary was away, Ling Yao personally helped Tang Momo treat the wound. During the conversation, Ling Yao knew that Momo, a design major in Tang Dynasty, was red-green colorblind and was extremely shocked.

In order to prevent Ling Yao from telling him that he was colorblind and affecting his Meiyou exam, Tang Momo had to promise to be responsible for Ling Yao's three meals a day.

Since the dormitory had access control, Tang Momo had to stay in the infirmary by herself. Ling Yao covered her with his coat and stayed with her all night. Because of Ling Yao's heartwarming actions, Tang Momo was very touched.

Episode 4

Since the doctor in the infirmary was away, Ling Yao personally helped Tang Momo treat the wound. During the conversation, Ling Yao knew that Momo, a design major in Tang Dynasty, was red-green colorblind and was extremely shocked. In order to prevent Ling Yao from telling him that he was colorblind and affecting his Meiyou exam, Tang Momo had to promise to be responsible for Ling Yao's three meals a day.

Knowing that Ling Yao couldn't eat chili peppers, Tang Momo deliberately ordered a large table of dishes with chili peppers, forcing him to eat a lot of chili peppers. Ling Yao couldn't express the bitterness and could only endure it silently.

Early in the morning, Ling Yao sent a WeChat message to Tang Momo who hadn't woken up yet, shouting that she wanted to have breakfast. Tang Momo, who was forced to get up, had no choice but to get up early and go to the cafeteria to buy breakfast. In order to retaliate against Ling Yao, Tang Momo deliberately added three spoons of salt to the porridge. Unexpectedly, Ling Yao only ate buns and gave the porridge to Tang Momo. In desperation, Tang Momo had no choice but to drink heavy-flavored porridge.

Ling Yao asked Tang Momo to help pick up the courier and let her deliver sunscreen, but she was misunderstood by Tang Momo's best friend Han Xiaoai. Facing Ling Yao who had been pestering her, Tang Momo resisted and scolded him in public.

Episode 5

Ling Yao asked Tang Momo to help pick up the courier and let her deliver sunscreen, but she was misunderstood by Tang Momo's best friend Han Xiaoai. Facing Ling Yao who had been pestering her, Tang Momo resisted and scolded him in public.

Seeing Tang Momo getting angry at Ling Yao, Feifei and her party who liked Ling Yao were very angry, and they falsely accused her of ruining the works that everyone wanted to enter in order to enter Meiyou. Tang Momo couldn't argue, so she could only listen to the teacher and clean up the messy classroom.

Knowing that Tang Momo was framed by her classmates, Ling Yao took the initiative to come to the classroom to help clean up. Tang Momo's brother and the son of Ren's group also helped with the cleaning. For a while, the atmosphere between the two boys was strange.

When cleaning the classroom, Ling Yao found Feifei's schoolbag pendant, guessed that she messed up the classroom and framed Tang Momo, and was very angry. He called Feifei out and exposed her conspiracy. Taking this opportunity, Feifei took the initiative to confess to Ling Yao, which made Ling Yao very helpless.

Cast of Wang Pai Xiao Cao (王牌校草)

Zeng Xueyao

Yang Tao

Zhang Linyuan

Wang Zhengrui

Bi Shaoyan

Bai Lu

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