Legally Romance (才不要和老板谈恋爱) Plot Story And Cast: Chinese Drama

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Legally Romance (才不要和老板谈恋爱) is adapted from the novel of the same name written by the popular writer Ye Feiran in Jinjiang. It tells the story of an elite lawyer Lu Xun (Huang Zitao) and an unknown young lawyer Qian Wei (Song Zuer) who grew up together in the battle of love and dreams. story.

Legally Romance (才不要和老板谈恋爱)  is an urban fantasy romance drama directed by Xue Ling, starring Huang Zitao and Song Zuer, and starring Jin Ze, Zhong Lili, Li Baihui and Yan An. The play will be broadcast on Tencent Video on March 10, 2022. 

Legally Romance (才不要和老板谈恋爱) tells the story of Lu Xun's employee Qian Wei, when his career was blocked at the age of 28, when his career was blocked, he returned to the age of 18 by accident, met his boss again, crossed from the workplace to the campus, and then returned to the workplace, all the way. The growth story of making great progress and pursuing a double harvest of career and love.

Detail of Legally Romance (才不要和老板谈恋爱) 

Chinese Title: 才不要和老板谈恋爱 (Don't fall in love with the boss)

English title: Legally Romance 

Genre: Contemporary, urban 

Production company: Shanghai Yaoke Media Co., Ltd. 

Filming location: Qingdao 

Premiere time: 2022 

Director: Xue Ling 

Screenwriter: Jia Binbin, Ma Yuxin, Ye Feiran 

Producer: Zhang Meng 

Starring: Huang Zitao, Song Zuer, Jin Ze, Zhong Lili

Number of Episode: 33 Episodes, 

Length of Each Episode: 45 Minutes

Online broadcast platform: Tencent Video

legally romance chinese drama
Image Via @PandaClubSeries

Plot Story of Legally Romance (才不要和老板谈恋爱)

28-year-old Qian Wei is a paralegal, and her immediate boss, Lu Xun, is her former classmate. Qian Wei thought that Lu Xun's indifference to her classmates suppressed her because she had offended him when she was in school, so she complained and thought about how to please Lu Xun so that she could get rid of the difficulties in the workplace. But in a coma caused by an accident, Qian Wei dreamed of when he was 19 years old, and realized that Lu Xun's attitude towards her might be another way of caring. When he woke up, Qian Wei tried to get closer to Lu Xun's inner world, found his honest and warm side, and also felt his love for him all the time. Qian Wei reflected on his attitude towards life, no longer entrusted the plight to others, and regained his original intention as a lawyer. In the process of building a legal aid platform with Lu Xun to help the parties, Qian Wei overcomes the knot and matures; the two also solve the misunderstanding, grow together, and slowly come together. After going through all kinds of tests, Qian Wei and Lu Xun gained career and love, and their lovers finally got married.

5th Episode Summary of Legally Romance 

Episode 1

Lu Xun was elected as one of the top ten elite lawyers, and Qian Wei, Lu Xun's assistant, helped him with the draft. During the official recording, Lu Xun thought that Qian Wei's ring interfered with the recording and asked her to take off the ring. Qian Wei fantasized about going back to eleven years ago and everything could change. Eleven years ago, Qian Wei went to the stage to receive a scholarship. Unexpectedly, the first prize of the scholarship was won by Lu Xun, and Qian Wei stepped down angrily. Qian Wei had great ambitions for the future when he entered the university. In the first year, he joined the student union and debate team. In the second year, he was listed as the three best. In the third year, the article was published in the international general magazine. He was promoted step by step and became a partner of a law firm eleven years later. Then the reality was cruel. Qian Wei's monthly salary was not as high as that of lawyer Lu Xun's hourly salary. At the meeting of Zhanying Law Firm, because Tianyi's claim case has not been won, someone suggested that Lu Xun accept the case, but lawyer Wu thought that Lu Xun's team, lawyer Wei, had left and questioned Lu Xun's ability. Outside the door, Qian Wei overheard everyone's conversation, knowing that the commission of the case is high, and he wanted to participate in the case, but Lu Xun was unwilling, and was angry that she had not obtained a lawyer's license until now. Lu Xun took Qian Wei to the court. 

There was a problem with the evidence in the Morris case provided by Qian Wei, and Lu Xun would bear the consequences of poor proof. Qian Wei recalled the process of preserving the evidence and felt that there was nothing suspicious. Qian Wei worked overtime to complete the work, and tentatively asked Lu Xun to ask for leave. Qian Wei suggested that she bring the order and complete the business volume. Qian Wei rushed to the AES dinner and was stopped outside because she was too casually dressed. Senior Li Chongwen took the initiative to help Qian Wei out of the siege and helped her carry her bag. Qian Wei had important evidence in her bag, but she was embarrassed to refuse. Fortunately, Lu Xun was in time. appear. Mr. Lan Heqing of AES Company had received enough of Ruomei Group, introduced Li Chongwen as the new legal counsel, and hoped that Morris, the representative of Zhanying Law Firm, would accept the out-of-court settlement, as long as Morris was willing to sell 2% of the shares, ASE agreed to settle. Qian Wei felt very disappointed when he saw this scene, Lan He continued to make up for the knife and let the people from Zhanying Office speak, Qian Wei was dumbfounded for a while. Lu Xun took the stage to expose the shamelessness of Ruomei Group, and then left with Qian Wei. Seeing this, Li Chongwen chased after him to explain, clarifying that he and Lan He were in a work relationship, and that he worked hard for the future of the two. Qian Wei was even more sad when he heard that. 

The acquisition of ASE started two years ago. They were just using it together, so he took off the high-heeled shoes that Li Chongwen bought and smashed at him. Unexpectedly, the gravity was out of balance and fell into the water. Lu Xun, who was beside him, grabbed the bag in a panic, but did not hold her. Lu Xun took Qian Wei back and gave her his clothes. Qian Wei misunderstood that he was wiping his tears for himself. Unexpectedly, Lu Xun made up the knife and asked Qian Wei to wipe the bag well, because it contained evidence. After the two started, Lu Xun gave her a pair of new shoes, worried that she could not continue to work because of her foot injury. Director Tao of the firm scolded Lu Xun, believing that there was a problem with Morris' evidence and Qian Wei, and the case that was once a winner suddenly turned into a loss. Lu Xun believed that there was a way to solve the matter, and Qian Wei voluntarily resigned after hearing it, but he hoped Director Tao would believe in his character. Qian Wei turned the ring in his hand, recalling what his father said when he gave the ring, as long as life is not as good, turn the small wheel, and you can turn the world.

Episode 2

Qian Wei turned the ring in his hand, recalling what his father said when he gave the ring, as long as life is not as good, turn the small wheel, and you can turn the world. Qian Wei bought drunk alone, seven years after graduation, her boyfriend ran away with others, and her job was gone. The boss worried that her drunkenness would affect other people in the store and advised her not to drink. At this time, Lu Xun came over and did not comfort him. Qian Wei had never won against him many years ago, and he hoped that Qian Wei could only win once. Evasion cannot solve the problem. Although the first trial was defeated, there will definitely be a solution in the future. At the class reunion, everyone went to the class tree together. Everyone found that Mr. Zhen's hair turned out to be less and less. In fact, Mr. Zhen was so worried about the classmates that her hair fell out. Teacher Zhen is concerned about Qian Wei's judicial examination and wonders when he and Li Chongwen will be successful. Qian Wei lost his temper and overturned the hoe in his hand, accidentally hitting Teacher Zhen. Everyone dug out the wishing bottle from the class tree. Qian Wei wondered why Lu Xun, who had a successful career, was willing to not realize it. It turned out that Lu Xun hoped for a good love. At this time Qian Qianchuan came out to snatch Mo Zixin's wish bottle. Qian Wei thought that although Qian Chuan was Mo Zixin's ex-boyfriend, he had no rights, so he picked up the wish bottle and fled. Qian Wei saw that other people's wishes had been fulfilled, but his own wish was reasonable and legal but not fulfilled, and complained that it was unfair. Accidentally dropped the ring on the ground, suddenly time and space reversed, and Qian Wei returned to 2011. 

At first, Qian Wei thought it was a reality show, so he walked up to Mr. Zhen's hair to confirm whether it was a wig, and then he realized that he had passed through. Qian Wei originally wanted to ask Lu Xun around him for verification, but was misunderstood by Qian Wei. Qian Wei had no choice but to answer the questionnaire seriously and pass the current stage first. After the exam, Qian Wei wanted to go home to see his father Qian Yancheng, take him to see a doctor in advance, and turn things around. Unexpectedly, he met Li Chongwen when he climbed the wall. Because of the bad relationship between the two after eleven years, Qian Wei had a bad face on Li Chongwen and even beat him. This scene happened to be seen by Lu Xun, who was passing by, and taught Qian Weiwei that he cheated in exams, jumped over the wall to skip classes, and beat senior Ou. Lu Xun was the acting squad leader and saw Qian Wei made a mistake and dragged her away. Qian Wei thought that Lu Xun was not his boss, so he didn't want to live again and be under his control, so he ran away. In the dormitory, Qian Wei predicted that the beer in the refrigerator would be taken away by Aunt Ma, the dormitory manager, the day after tomorrow. Mo Zixin decided to settle the beer immediately, and everyone toasted to celebrate, happy now. In the evening, Qian Wei looked at the night, thinking that it was 2011, and decided to live a good life. 

At the opening ceremony, Qian Wei met his father Qian Yancheng, and Qian Yan gave him a ring, which could reverse time and space. Qian Wei lied that he dreamed that Qian Yancheng had leukemia, and took her to the hospital for a checkup. Lu Xun interrupted the plan, because there were only five minutes left for the opening ceremony, so Qian Yancheng hurriedly entered the auditorium, and then carried Qian Wei into the auditorium. Qian Wei recalled that Qian Yancheng hadn't eaten cherries before his death, so he asked Lu Xun to borrow 500 yuan to buy them. Lu Xun was puzzled that Qian Wei spent money to buy cherries, hoping that Qian Wei would not be a problem girl and could not implicate himself. Qian Wei wanted to thank Lu Xun for deciding to invite him to eat Mala Xiangguo, but he was rejected. After inspection, Qian Yancheng was in good health, and Qian Wei hoped that Qian Yancheng would retire, because the factory where Qian Yancheng worked was too sealed, and the chemical composition exceeded the standard, and he was worried about blood diseases in the future.

Cast of Legally Romance (才不要和老板谈恋爱)

Huang Zitao as Lu Xun

Lu Xun, he is a general in court and a ruthless tyrant in a law firm, but in love, he is an arrogant ghost with different hearts.

Song Zuer as Qian Wei

As the name suggests, the hard work is a small fortune fan, Qian Wei. She is a little assistant who just rely on her mouth to output, but has a heroic dream but has to bow her head to Lu Xun. Lu Xun is a savior to the world, but to Qian Wei, he is a fateful and powerful villain.

Kanazawa as Li Chongwen

Zhong Lili as Mo Zixin

Li Baihui as Liu Shiyun

Yan An as Qian Chuan

Tan Kai as Father Lu

Ni Jingyang as Mother Lu

Hong Jiantao as Qian Yanping

Tao Huimin as Lu Zhengtong

Zhang Haiyan as Aunt Ma

Jin Feng as Lan He

Ni Xinyu as Wang Ruogu

Li Yi as Yu Tian

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