Perfect Couple (完美伴侣) Plot Story And Cast: Chinese Drama

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Perfect Couple (完美伴侣) is an urban family emotional Chinese Drama directed by Lin Yufen and Liang Shengquan, starring Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi, Wang Yaoqing and Wang Zhener. The series will be broadcast on Hunan Satellite TV on January 5, 2022, and will be broadcast simultaneously on Tencent Video.

Perfect Couple (完美伴侣) focuses on the marriage of urban men and women, and tells about the trade-offs and choices between two families and two couples between career and family.

Detail of Perfect Couple (完美伴侣)

Chinese Title: 完美伴侣 (Perfect Companion)

Genre: City, Family, Emotional 

Production Company: Shanghai Tangren Film and Television Co., Ltd. 

Filming Location: Shanghai, Shenzhen 

Premiere Time: January 5, 2022 

Director: Lin Yufen, Liang Shengquan 

Producer: Cai Yinong 

Starring: Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi, Wang Yaoqing, Wang Zhener and Yan Xuejing 

Number of Episode: 40 episodes

Length of Each Episode: 45 minutes long 

Online broadcast platform: Tencent video 

Digital Tv Platform: Hunan Satellite TV

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Plot Story of Perfect Couple (完美伴侣)

Chen Shan is a female lawyer in the securities department of a famous law firm. At the age of nearly 40, she encountered a bottleneck in her rise. So she was so engrossed in her work that she had no time for the emotional needs of her husband and daughter. Her husband, Sun Lei, works in a state-owned enterprise.  In order to support his wife's career, he took on the heavy responsibility of taking care of the family and almost gave up his career pursuit. This marriage model of strong women and weak men has gone from working well in the past ten years to gradually losing its balance, and has been overwhelmed unconsciously. 

At this time, the investment bank elite Lin Qingkun appeared, and the large order in his hand became the target of competition between Chen Shan and his competitors. Facing the dual crisis of marriage and workplace, Chen Shan desperately tried to deal with both at the same time, but it became more and more counterproductive. After Sun Lei and Chen Shan went through many tests, they finally found out that their original intentions for each other are still there. They are not perfect, as long as they cherish and support each other, they are the most perfect partners for each other.

5th Episode Summary of Perfect Couple (完美伴侣)

Episode 1

Jiecheng Law Firm held its 15th anniversary celebration. Zhou Jiakai delivered a speech, focusing on praising Chen Shan who has worked in the firm for many years. Chen Shan is in her 40s. She has a daughter and a husband who loves her. Whether it's career or marriage, everything is smooth and happy. However, people's desires are endless. After Chen Shan came to power, she suddenly mentioned that she wanted to be a senior partner, hoping that Zhou Jiakai would agree. Zhou Jiakai was stunned for a few seconds, but he quickly reacted and resumed his rhetorical attitude, praising Chen Shan's outstanding work ability, and sooner or later, Gao's dream can be realized. Chen Shan got off the stage and walked to Bai Mei, her teacher and leader, with a wine glass, and wanted to toast Bai Mei. But Bai Mei did not cooperate with Chen Shan, but said that she was drinking traditional Chinese medicine recently and should not drink. Chen Shan was worried about not being able to become a senior partner, and followed Bai Mei outside the building, emphasizing once again that she wanted to become a senior partner. 

Bai Mei is both Chen Shan's teacher and Chen Shan's leader. She knows all about Chen Shan's background. Chen Shan has been in the legal industry until she is forty and has not found her shortcomings. Bai Mei is very disappointed. She reminded Chen Shan that she couldn't even find her own shortcomings, so there was no need to think about becoming a senior partner. Chen Shan is considered to be the elder sister in the company, but Li Yu is above the latecomers. Although she is not as qualified as Chen Shan and younger than Chen Shan, she is a strong competitor of Chen Shan, even two of Chen Shan's cronies. I also feel that the company is favoring Li Yu, and the leaders intend to promote Li Yu as a senior partner. Chen Shan does not agree with the views of the two cronies. If the company really wants to promote Li Yu, it can operate behind the scenes and directly entrust him with the important task. She felt that the company was testing her ability and deliberately pitted her against Li Yu. Li Yu and Chen Shan have become competitors. Both of them want to cooperate with Lin Qingkun, an elite investment bank in the business world. If Jiecheng Law Firm can cooperate with Lin Qingkun, it will be like a duck to water. Chen Shan arranged for two cronies to follow Lin Qingkun's movements. Lin Qingkun was about to arrive at the airport by plane. Chen Shan met Li Yu after get off work and greeted Li Yu politely. Li Yu's expression didn't seem right, and she mysteriously took away the men who rushed back to the company with flowers, and left Chen Shan behind. 

Just after Chen Shan left the company, she received a call from her cronie Xiaomi. Xiaomi has already found out the shift that Lin Qingkun took, and Lin Qingkun will arrive at the city's airport soon. Chen Shan realized that Li Yu had already set off first, and hurried to the airport accompanied by Xiaomi. Due to the hurry, Chen Shan didn't have time to go home for dinner. She and her daughter Tiaotiao spoke on the phone and heard that Tiaotiao's voice was not right. She guessed that her daughter had food poisoning, so she quickly asked her husband Sun Lei to take her to the hospital. Although Chen Shan attaches great importance to her career, she also attaches great importance to her daughter's health. She reluctantly gave up going to the airport to see Lin Qingkun, and instead asked two cronies to do the work. The mother of a boy's family member Lei met in the hospital was Lin Qingkun's wife, and the other party's surname was Wu Mingmin. After Lin Qingkun arrived at the airport, he received a call from his wife, Wu Min, and was anxious to drive to the hospital accompanied by his assistant. There was a car accident on the road, and the driver of the crash was Chen Shan. Lin Qingkun got out of the car and walked, and was recognized by Chen Shan. Although Chen Shan had a nosebleed, she still thought about her work. She handed over the pre-written plan to Lin Qingkun, and then sent her frightened daughter to the hospital with her husband.

Episode 2

Wu Min's son Jingjing ate the food produced by the Xiaotangwan Company and became unwell and was admitted to the hospital. After Chen Shan briefly learned about Wu Min's son, she returned home with her husband and daughter. When she went to bed at night, her husband, Sun Lei, lay on the side of the bed with a blue face, without saying a word. When the car accident happened, Chen Shan didn't care about her nosebleeds or her daughter who was crying non-stop, but gave Lin Qingkun the plan in her hand. For a moment, Sun Lei felt that Chen Shan was very unfamiliar, so unfamiliar that he knew nothing about Chen Shan. Since the car accident, he felt that his wife Chen Shan was a workaholic who was full of work. As for family and love, it didn't matter. . Chen Shan figured out what her husband Sun Lei was thinking, but she didn't agree. She thought she was also concerned about her daughter at the time, but just took a moment to send the plan to Lin Qingkun. It wasn't that her husband Sun Lei thought she was a workaholic who didn't care about a car accident. daughter. Lin Qingkun went to the restaurant to meet the person in charge of Xiaotangwan, and the two sides will cooperate. Lin Qingkun didn't know that his son was hospitalized after eating the food produced by Xiaotangwan. He didn't know his son's hospitalization until he went to the hospital to see his wife Wu Min. 

Considering that he still has to cooperate with Xiaotangwan Company, Lin Qingkun confessed to his wife, revealing that he will have business dealings with Xiaotangwan Company, so his wife cannot make a big issue of his son's food poisoning, otherwise it will not be conducive to his cooperation with Xiaotangwan. Chen Shan went to work in the company early in the morning, was called into the office by Zhou Jiakai, and was scolded in the face. Before, Chen Shan had a car accident while driving on the road, implicated Lin Qingkun. Lin Qingkun called Zhou Jiakai to complain about Chen Shan afterwards. Zhou Jiakai tried his best to cooperate with Lin Qingkun, but was screwed up by Chen Shan. Zhou Jiakai became more angry when he said that, and announced the suspension of Chen Shan's work. Chen Shan did not show weakness, but brought up the news that several children had been hospitalized after eating small sugar pills. The incident was already on the hot search. Xiaotangwan planned to go public, and when such a thing happened, he naturally needed the help of a powerful lawyer. Chen Shan had foresight and wrote an emergency plan to help Xiaotangwan in advance.

However, she began to feel disgusted with Lin Qingkun, who slandered her for deliberately causing a car accident, and decided not to advise Lin Qingkun anymore. Wu Min did not listen to her husband Lin Qingkun's advice, and was interviewed by reporters in the hospital, telling the story of her son's hospitalization after eating small sugar pills. Lin Qingkun saw a video of his wife being interviewed by a reporter from the Internet, and he was furious but helpless. Lin Qingkun asked Zhou Jiakai's law firm for help, hoping to hire a lawyer. After Chen Shan was suspended from work, she met her husband and goddaughter at home, and received a call from Lin Qingkun. She did not give Lin Qingkun room to speak, and declared that she valued the family and would never serve Lin Qingkun. Taking advantage of Chen Shan's suspension, Li Yu proposed to Zhou Jiakai to help Xiaotangwan resolve the food poisoning crisis. Hu Xiaotian temporarily joined Li Yu's team after Chen Shan's suspension, and traveled with Li Yu on the high-speed train. Chen Shan had already been suspended, so she went on a trip with her husband. The two happened to take a high-speed train with Li Yu and sat behind Li Yu.

Episode 3

Li Yu leads Hu Xiaotian to take the high-speed train, and the two will meet with Lin Qingkun on behalf of lawyer Jiecheng to help Lin Qingkun help Xiaotangwan get rid of the food poisoning incident. Accompanied by her husband, Chen Shan also boarded the high-speed train to Hangzhou, and happened to be seated behind Li Yu. Li Yu saw that Chen Shan was also coming to take the high-speed train, and had doubts in her heart, so she took Hu Xiaotian away from her seat. After Chen Shan left, she told her husband Sun Lei that her competitor in the company was Li Yu. In order to win Lin Qingkun, an important customer, she also had a car accident on the road. Sun Lei realized that Chen Shan and Li Yu were mortal enemies, and then he came back to his senses. He left his seat and walked to a corner not far from the two of Li Yu, and overheard Li Yu scolding Hu Xiaotian. Li Yu thought that Hu Xiaotian was an insider and leaked his whereabouts to Chen Shan, so Chen Shan took the high-speed train with him. Li Yu finished Hu Xiaotian and returned to his seat to sit down. Sun Lei had an idea in his mind, pretending to be bored and suggesting that the four of them play a game of Truth or Dare. 

In the process of playing the game, Li Yu was hit, and Sun Lei took the opportunity to ask Li Yu a question. He wanted to know whether the computer file Li Yu was processing was a plan conceived by Chen Shan. Sun Lei specially reminded Li Yu not to tell lies, and if he did, he would be struck by lightning. Under his intimidation, Li Yu admitted that he was indeed dealing with Chen Shan's plan for Xiaotangwan, but the company allowed her to replace Chen Shan, so the plan that Chen Shan conceived belonged to the company, not Chen Shan's personal achievements. Chen Shan followed Li Yu to Hangzhou. Li Yu went into the house to have a meeting with Lin Qingkun, and Chen Shan was left hanging outside. Li Yu has dealt with similar cases in the United States. She hired negotiating experts to communicate with the victims, and finally persuaded the victims to reconcile with the responsible party. Chen Shan couldn't hold her breath anymore, broke into the conference room, and reported her name to Lin Qingkun. She had already sent a message to Lin Qingkun before entering the room, and her position was to refuse to reconcile. Her thoughts coincided with Lin Qingkun's. Lin Qingkun didn't care about the relationship between Chen Shan and Li Yu. He was interested as long as the plan suited his mind. Just when Chen Shan was giving Lin Qingkun an idea, Sun Lei broke in from outside the house. He had learned from Hu Xiaotian that Chen Shan was responsible for the food poisoning incident of Xiaotangwan. 

The six children ate Xiaotangwan's food, and all of them were admitted to the hospital, but any lawyer with public morality would not defend Xiaotangwan again. Sun Lei asked Chen Shan to end the conversation, and he announced that Chen Shan quit the conference group and no longer conceived of a blame-free plan for Xiaotangwan. Chen Shan was forced by Sun Lei to have no choice but to ask Lin Qingkun to give her an hour to think about it. An hour later, Sun Lei asked Chen Shan to watch the video of Jingjing, the child of the victim's family. Jingjing is Lin Qingkun's son, and has been cured a lot. Chen Shan was moved by watching the video, just as she was on the phone with Lin Qingkun, she immediately announced that she would no longer cooperate with Lin Qingkun. Lin Qingkun was dissatisfied with Li Yu's plan, and still wanted to ask Chen Shan to help him come up with ideas. He ate with Chen Shan and Sun Lei, and deliberately drank with Sun Lei cup by cup, and asked Sun Lei to go back to the guest room to rest after getting drunk, and then persuaded Chen Shan again. Continue to cooperate, but Chen Shan stands firm and refuses to cooperate.

Episode 4

Lin Qingkun hoped that Chen Shan could help out with suggestions and help Xiaotangwan solve the food poisoning incident. Chen Shan has already thought of a countermeasure. She investigated the food poisoning incident of Xiaotangwan in advance, and found that the so-called food poisoning is not a quality problem of the product itself, but that the packaging bag may be damaged during transportation, causing the food to be exposed and deteriorated. , so that the children were poisoned by eating food with damaged packaging bags. Chen Shan has found the damaged packaging bag. As long as she gives the evidence to Lin Qingkun, Xiaotangwan Company can resolve the negative crisis, and the victim's family will not be able to sue Xiaotangwan. A little bonus. After listening to the inside story of Chen Shan's analysis, Lin Qingkun offered to hire Chen Shan again, but Chen Shan complained about her drunk husband. She did not agree to cooperate with Lin Qingkun. She had promised her husband not to help Xiaotangwan, so she could not break her promise. But she can give Lin Qingkun the solution she conceived, provided that Lin Qingkun drinks two bottles of Maotai wine and tastes Sun Lei's drunkenness. Lin Qingkun was helpless with Chen Shan, called the waiter to get the wine, and decided to sacrifice his life to drink to get the evidence. It didn't take long for the food poisoning results of the Xiaotangwan investigation to appear on the Internet. 

As expected by Chen Shan, the investigators found that the food packaging bag was damaged, causing the food to deteriorate. Lin Qingkun called Chen Shan and reminded Chen Shan to watch news related to Xiaotangwan online. After Chen Shan finished reading the news, she felt a heavy heart and decided to cooperate with Lin Qingkun to help Xiaotangwan go public. Sun Lei leaned over to the notebook, and after reading the news, he had nothing to say, and could no longer oppose the cooperation between Chen Shan and Lin Qingkun. After Chen Shan agreed to cooperate with Lin Qingkun, she returned to the company in high spirits and received a warm reception from Zhou Jiakai and his party. Wu Min learned that Xiaotangwan had found evidence of her innocence, and expressed her dissatisfaction with Chen Shan. She originally wanted to take the opportunity to sue Xiaotangwan to force Lin Qingkun to compromise and pay more attention to her responsibilities to the family. 

After her son Jingjing recovered and was discharged from the hospital, Wu Min invited Chen Shan and his wife to be guests at home. Lin Qingkun happened to be at home. Chen Shan saw that Lin Qingkun suddenly came home, so she hurriedly called Lin Qingkun quietly, accusing Lin Qingkun that coming back had ruined her good deeds. She came to the door to ask Wu Min to sign a settlement agreement with Xiaotangwan, because Lin Qingkun was at home, which might ruin her plan. A group of people were eating in the house. Lin Qingkun and Sun Lei were chatting and laughing. The two hit it off and seemed to have endless topics to talk about. Lin Qingkun proposed to have a barbecue with the whole family another day, and Sun Lei declared that he graduated with a barbecue major. Seeing that her husband showed a family-friendly side in front of outsiders, Wu Min called Chen Shan away and told Chen Shan that she could sign a settlement agreement. After Lin Qingkun finished one thing, he thought that Chen Shan didn't finish it, and he handled it himself, so he didn't need to pay Chen Shan. Chen Shan does not agree with Lin Qingkun's point of view. She is in the legal profession, so she naturally has a way to deal with Lin Qingkun. If Lin Qingkun insists on not paying, she will use legal means to compete with Lin Qingkun.

Episode 5

Chen Shan asked Lin Qingkun to pay the remuneration, but Lin Qingkun disagreed, but he quickly changed his mind at Chen Shan's strong request and agreed to pay Chen Shan the remuneration. Sun Lei works in a hospital, and a colleague told him that he can go to the United States for training. The opportunity was not easy to come by, but Sun Lei was thinking about his daughter Tiaotiao and worried that she would not be taken care of after he went abroad, because his wife Chen Shan would have to go on a business trip with Lin Qingkun soon, and it would take a month to return home. If the husband and wife are not at home, the daughter will naturally be unable to take care of herself. After Sun Lei returned home, he received a call from his mother and learned that his father was injured while traveling. At the end of the call, Sun Lei suggested that Chen Shan call her mother and let her take care of jumping. Chen Shan smiled without saying a word, picked up her mobile phone and played a video of her mother giving a lecture on a business trip abroad. My mother stood on the stage and talked eloquently, and received a lot of applause after the class. My mother travels all over the country, and the schedule is full. She can't take care of her work, and there is no time to come to take her children. 

Sun Lei smiled helplessly, it seemed that his idea of ​​asking his mother-in-law to take care of the child would not work. Considering that his wife had to go on a business trip for a month, Sun Lei went downstairs to call the leader, excused that his father was sick, and his wife had to go on a business trip for another month. If he went abroad for further studies, his daughter would be left unattended. Sun Lei gave up the opportunity to study abroad and returned to the house. Seeing that Sun Lei was back, Chen Shan asked Sun Lei to stop her daughter from interacting with Lin Qingkun's son Jingjing in the future. The two were not classmates. She once saw her daughter and Jingjing compete with each other, and she was worried that her daughter would be affected by Jingjing and would have vanity in the future. Sun Lei saw that Chen Shan had objections to the children of Lin Qingkun's family, so he had to accommodate Chen Shan, agreeing that the two children would not communicate with each other in the future. Lin Qingkun led Chen Shan on a trip by car. On this trip, he and Chen Shan will stay in a closed area for a month. Originally, he had promised Sun Lei that the two parties would have a picnic with their families, but he bought an oven in advance and gave it to Sun Lei. After Chen Shan's trip, Sun Lei led his daughter to find Wu Min and informed Wu Min to lead the child to have a picnic together. Wu Min gave up the idea of ​​picnic because her husband Lin Qingkun broke his promise. 

However, his son Jingjing wanted to have a picnic with Sun Lei and his daughter. Wu Min had no choice but to ask Sun Lei to lead her daughter to the door to set up tables, chairs and benches in the yard. The transportation company involved paid more than one million yuan to the families of the six victims of food poisoning. After Chen Shan heard the news, she immediately confronted Lin Qingkun. It stands to reason that if Xiaotangwan is wronged, it will naturally not let the transportation company with business dealings take the blame, and the transportation company involved does not have much annual income, so the company will immediately compensate the victim millions of dollars. family, obviously not reasonable. Lin Qingkun told Chen Shan the truth. He asked Xiaotangwan's people to put the damaged packaging bag on the transport truck, pretending it was a fake certificate that the transport company did not protect the goods. One percent of the shares are given to the transportation company involved. And the actual situation is indeed that the packaging bags are damaged, but because the original damaged packaging bags cannot be found, only a few packaging bags can be manually damaged and put on the transport vehicle. Chen Shan found out the cause and effect, and accused Lin Qingkun of making false evidence for Xiaotangwan, but Lin Qingkun thought it was not a false testimony.

Cast of Perfect Couple (完美伴侣)

Gao Yuanyuan as Chen Shan

A female lawyer in the securities department of a famous law firm, a powerful professional woman who adapts to the high-intensity work rhythm. Nearly 40 years old, she has encountered a bottleneck in her rise. So she was so engrossed in her work that she had no time for the emotional needs of her husband and daughter.

Zhang Luyi as Sun Lei

Sun Lei is not only an elegant gentleman, but also has excellent aesthetic ability. He is a warm father and a good husband who takes care of the family. He has devoted a lot of time and energy to the family. In order to support his wife Chen Shan's career, he took on the heavy responsibility of taking care of the family and almost gave up his career pursuit. He is both a "virtuous domestic helper" and a "housekeeping man", with a sense of humor and family responsibility. Even if it's not 100% perfect, it makes it more real and grounded.

Wang Yaoqing as Lin Qingkun

Lin Qingkun is an elite investment banker in the business world. He has his own style of behavior and standards in the workplace. The big order in his hand has become the target of Chen Shan and his competitors.

Wang Zhener as Wu Min

Lin Qingkun's wife, a representative of traditional women, is gentle and kind, and she is a husband and a child.

You Jingru as Li Yu

Wu Junmei as Bai Mei

Li Naiwen as Zhou Jiakai

Yu Entai as Professor Kang

Zhao Haohong as Hu Xiaotian

Song Nanxi as Xiaomi

Li Jianyi as grandfather

Xu Yulan as grandmother

Feng Xueya as Sun Yuantiao

Lin Ziye as Lin Jing

Zhai Yujia as Han Dongshuo

Yan Xuejing as Jin Fengxian

Zheng Jiabin as Shi Xinlai

Zeng Yixuan as Wu You

Zhao Yaoxing as Liu Feng

Zhang Shen as President Cao

Zhang Lei as President Peng

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