Huawei and Seres Have Collaborated to Develop The World's First Car Utilizing The Hongmeng Operating System.

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Huawei and Seres have collaborated to develop the world's first car utilizing the Hongmeng operating system. From 250,000 Yuan (39,260 USD)! The first Hongmeng car is here! Huawei's vertical folding screen mobile phone P50 treasure box is also released, starting at 8988 yuan, but does not support 5G

On December 23, when various technology manufacturers launched or announced the upcoming release of folding screen phones, Huawei's first vertical folding screen phone was officially released, equipped with Snapdragon 888 4G chip and a new generation of hinges, starting at 8,988 yuan, compared with nearly 20,000 before. The price of horizontal folding screen phones in yuan has dropped sharply.

At the same time, Huawei also released the AITO brand's first model in cooperation with the Cyrus brand of Xiaokang Co., Ltd. (601127). Huawei's industrial design, engineering technology, system software and Hongmeng ecology are the first Hongmeng smart car.

Huawei's folding screen mobile phone "drops" to 8988 Yuan

On the afternoon of December 23, Huawei held a winter flagship new product launch conference and officially released its first vertical folding mobile phone HUAWEIP50 Pocket. According to reports, the HUAWEI P50 Pocket adopts a design that folds up and down, with a new generation of water drop hinges and multi-dimensional linkage lifting technology, which can achieve seamless folding. It is equipped with a 6.9-inch large screen, Hongmeng operating system, and has crystal diamond white, obsidian black and gilt. Three colors of gold, support 40W Huawei super fast charge.

huawei seres cars Harmony OS
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It is worth mentioning that the P50 Pocket can realize an innovative interactive experience through the external screen, and can realize the operation of the main functions such as notification, schedule, music, weather, and payment without unfolding. Using the external screen wallet to pay for service cards, you can call out bank cards, transportation cards, car keys, and access cards in one step without turning on your mobile phone. You can directly obtain the information you want and get service support faster. At the same time, it can support the quick use of many third-party applications on the external screen.

In addition, the HUAWEI P50 Pocket has a new super privacy function. After the super privacy mode is turned on, the user can fold the phone to prohibit the application from using the camera, microphone and location information, which can be restored after unfolding. However, due to chip limitations, Huawei does not have a 5G chip. The HUAWEI P50 Pocket released this time is still equipped with the Snapdragon 888 4G flagship platform, which is a 4G mobile phone.

In terms of price, the HUAWEI P50 Pocket 8 GB + 256 GB version is priced at RMB 8988, and the HUAWEI P50 Pocket art custom version 12 GB + 512 GB is priced at RMB 10,988. It will be officially launched on Huawei’s main channels at 18:08 on December 23. 

In terms of supply chain, according to media reports, Visionox provided a flexible OLED screen for this new machine HUAWEI P50 Pocket. Regarding Huawei's consumer business strategy for the next ten years, Yu Chengdong said on the spot that Huawei's consumer business strategy for the next ten years is a full-scene consumption strategy, focusing on five scenarios, including sports and health, smart office, smart travel, audiovisual entertainment, and smart home.

Recently, the mobile phone industry has gathered together to release information on folding screen phones. In addition to Huawei’s release of new folding screen phones, OPPO has released the first folding screen phone Find N. On the 22nd, Honor officially announced that its first folding screen phone Magic V will be coming soon. Announced, in addition, vivo and Xiaomi plan to launch folding screen mobile phones in the first half of next year, and the industry has ushered in an inflection point.

Hongmeng Eco-equipped equipment exceeds 320 million

In addition to the folding screen mobile phone, this conference also released the latest AITO brand M5, the first model of the AITO brand co-created by Huawei and the Cyrus brand of Xiaokang Co., Ltd. Huawei’s executive director, consumer BG CEO, and smart car solutions BU CEO Yu Chengdong revealed on the spot that the AITO M5 was designed and built by Huawei’s industrial design team, bringing together Huawei’s industrial design, engineering technology, system software, and the ecological advantages of Hongmeng will enter the Huawei Smart Selection channel. 

Specifically, the Huawei-enabled AITO M5 is equipped with the HUAWEI DriveONE pure electric drive extended range platform and the HarmonyOS smart cockpit. The Huawei DriveONE full-stack power domain solution includes an electric drive system, on-board integrated power supply and battery management system. The system includes core components such as motor, MCU, PDU, OBC, DC/DC, reducer, AI BMS, etc. This is also the industry's first Hongmeng smart car.

Yu Chengdong also revealed that Huawei DriveONE is currently installed in more than a dozen mainstream car companies’ mid- to high-end models. Huawei Smart Electric will continue to help car companies build and sell good cars. AITO asked the world M5 is Huawei’s help to car companies to “build well”. The latest presentation of the strength of "cars, sell good cars".

According to reports, AITO Wenjie M5 has six metallic car paint colors, three interior colors, and can provide 18 different styles of color combinations. After comprehensive subsidies, the pre-sale price of AITO Wenjie M5 rear-drive standard version is 250,000 yuan, the pre-sale price of the four-wheel drive performance version is 280,000 yuan, and the pre-sale price of the four-wheel drive flagship version is 320,000 yuan. Starting from December 23, real cars will be displayed in 180 Huawei stores in 42 cities; starting from January 20, 2022, test drive appointments and reservations will be opened in 500 Huawei stores in 118 cities.

The progress of Huawei Hongmeng Ecosystem is also the focus of attention from all walks of life. At the press conference, Yu Chengdong revealed that since HarmonyOS 2 was opened on June 2 this year, the enthusiasm of users to upgrade has continued to rise, and the ecosystem of Hongmeng Zhilian has also developed rapidly. So far, the number of Huawei devices equipped with HarmonyOS has exceeded 220 million. At the same time, Hongmeng Zhilian ecological product categories have reached 4500+. This year, the shipment of Hongmeng ecological equipment exceeded 100 million, making it the fastest growing smart terminal operating system. 

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