Couple of Mirrors (双镜) Plot Story And Cast: Chinese Drama

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Couple of Mirrors (双镜) is produced by Huanyu Film and Television, co-produced by bilibili, and broadcast exclusively, directed by Li Dachao, starring Zhang Nan, Sun Yihan, Liu Zhiyang, He Fengtian, Zhou Dawei, etc. The emotional suspense drama of the Republic of China. The series will be aired on bilibili on August 12, 2021.

Chinese Drama Couple of Mirrors (双镜) also known as Shuang Jing is a suspense drama about the friendship between the main characters, Xu You Yi and Yan Wei. Starring popular actors Zhang Nan and Annie Sun, this drama follows the journey of a famous writer and a killer, who support and encourage each other as they carve their own paths.

This drama is an original drama and is not an adaptation of a previous novel. However, the drama novelization is available as a physical book. Couple of Mirrors (双镜) will premiere on Bilibili starting at 8 P.M on 12 August 2021 for 12 episodes.

Detail of Couple of Mirrors (双镜)

Chinese Title: 双镜 (Shuangjing)

Genre: Modern, urban 

Production company: Dongyang Huanyu Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd. 

Production area: Mainland of China 

Premiere time: August 12, 2021 

Director: Li Dachao 

Starring: Zhang Nan, Sun Yihan, Liu Zhiyang, He Fengtian, Zhou Dawei 

Number of Episode: 12 episodes 

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couple of mirror synopsis
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Plot Story of Couple of Mirrors (双镜)

The story takes place in Shanghai during the Republic of China. The well-known writer Xu Youyi (played by Zhang Nan) and the photo studio owner Yan Wei (played by Sun Yihan), two women who should have no intersection in life, met because of Xu Youyi’s husband’s betrayal and a serial murder.

Xu Youyi, a well-known female writer in Shanghai, is beautiful and dignified, and has a happy family. She does not know that her husband has cheated on her agent. The seemingly glitzy family is crumbling in the torrent of the great age. On the other side, Yan Wei, a female killer disguised as the owner of a photo studio, was lonely, indifferent, wandering in the city for the sky, looking for the only temperature in the city by the way. The two of them met each other, and then joined forces to save the lives of the scumbag and the mistress. They are always jealous of each other, but they always trust each other, and the only answer that fate gives them is to go all the way and never shrink.

5th Episode Summary of Couple of Mirrors (双镜)

Episode 1 of Couple of Mirrors (双镜)

The lights in the lobby of the Jinhua Hotel are dazzling and people are crowded. In the dressing room at this time, the assistant is busy helping Xu Youyi choose the earrings to wear tonight. When the two are hesitant, Zhang Wan’s appearance brings hope to Xu Youyi. , Xu Youyi hurriedly called Zhang Wan to come and help herself with an idea. Zhang Wan tried his best to choose the one in the assistant's left hand, but Xu Youyi hesitated a little, but also agreed to Zhang Wan's choice. President Wang sat aside and looked at the letters from readers, sighing the popularity of Xu Youyi's new book. Xu Youyi happily accepted the gift box with the dress from Zhang Wan, but was stunned when she opened the gift box. A red wine stain appeared in front of Xu Youyi's eyes.

The guests in the performance hall were well-dressed, sitting elegantly around the round table, waiting for the opening of the magic show tonight. At the invitation of the host, Xu Youyi came to the stage and cooperated with the magician to complete tonight’s performance. Xu Youyi was neatly dressed and danced with the melodious piano sound under the sign of the magician. The red wine on the dress was stained early. Already covered by a flowing cloud, the applause of the guests under the stage was thunderous. Everyone's attention was attracted by the magic on stage, immersed in nervous emotions. Unexpectedly, at this thrilling time, the silence was pierced by the sergeant Jiang Bin's roar. Jiang Bin rushed to the stage with a few steps, and his sharp eyes instantly pierced Xu Youyi. Without stopping, he opened the stage. The black cloth, Xu Youyi staggered under her feet, and Jiang Bin stretched out her hand to hold her back. The audience panicked and fled in an instant. At this time, the magician had died in the glass jar with a pale face.

Outside the police station, Zhang Wan helped Xu Youyi who was frightened and comforted her intimately. Zhou Heng was serious and asked Jiang Bin to find out what happened today, and took Xu Youyi, who was helped by Zhang Wan, to get into the car and leave. Xu Youyi felt that it was too late, and after a few people got home, she asked Zhou Heng to send Zhang Wan home. Zhang Wan wanted to take a rickshaw home by himself, but he couldn't get enough of Xu Youyi, so he agreed. Xu Youyi was bored at home. She took a letter from a fan and was stunned when she saw the content inside. It said that the fan had seen Zhou Heng having an affair with other women. Zhou Heng came back and looked at Xu Youyi who hadn't slept. Xu Youyi asked him how he came back. After receiving Zhou Heng's coat, he smelled the slightly choking smoke on his body and didn't feel wrong.

On this day, a group of people gathered in Zhou's mansion to make fun of each other. President Zhang complained that Miss Duan's perfume was too strong, and his wife always misunderstood him. And took out a cigar to Zhou Heng and told Zhou Heng how good the cigar was. Ms. Duan and Ms. Zhang next to them kept talking and asked President Zhang to smoke more, so that the lady wouldn’t be able to smell the perfume. Xu Youyi listened to their conversation and remembered The heavy smell of smoke on Zhou Heng's body that night. Immediately afterwards, I saw the report of the man in the midnight meeting of Chu Hui, thinking that Zhou Heng and her were classmates, suddenly all kinds of thoughts accumulated in my heart. Xu Youyi suspected that Zhou Heng had a woman outside. When she saw Zhang Wan at night, she told her the doubts in her heart. Zhang Wan promised Xu Youyi to help Xu Youyi look it up. Before Zhang Wan sent Xu Youyi away, Zhou Heng walked out of Zhang Wan's bedroom, and the two of them spoke ambiguously and entangled each other.

Xu Youyi, Zhou Heng and Zhang Wan went to the Baihua Photo Studio to take promotional photos for Xu Youyi's new book. After Yan Wei took the photo for Xu Youyi, Zhang Wan suggested that Xu Youyi and Zhou Heng should take a group photo. Xu Youyi looked at Zhou Heng with a cold expression and responded to the photo. The formulaic smile did not reach the bottom of her eyes, and Zhou Heng didn’t notice it. The look of his face spoiling his wife. After the two of them finished taking pictures, Zhang Wan affectionately took them to the three of them to take pictures together. Standing between Zhang Wan and Zhou Heng, Xu Youyi didn't find that they were flirting with each other and making little gestures behind her, but all of this was captured by Yan Wei.

After Xu Youyi attended the event, Zhang Wanlai told Xu Youyi to let her be Mrs. Zhou at ease. Zhou Heng had no women outside, and she was worried. Xu Youyi was dubious. When Xu Youyi returned home at night, facing Zhou Heng who was surrounded by everyone pushing the cake out, it rained and the sky cleared instantly. In the Jinhua Hotel again, celebrities from all walks of life attended the banquet hall. Chen Shuangcheng came over to talk to Xu Youyi and was run away by Zhou Heng, looking jealous. Zhang Wan came to say hello at this time. Zhou Heng then left with the excuse of something. Xu Youyi, who was boring in the hall, looked around and saw Chu Huizi took a note from the waiter, opened it, and left. Xu Youyi thought for a moment and followed out, but she didn’t see Chu Huizi after following the dressing room. On the contrary, she heard the conversation between Zhang Wan and Zhou Heng inside, and Xu Youyi saw what they two did through the crack of the door. , Her eyes widened and covered her mouth, and she suppressed herself from making a sound. After returning to the banquet hall, she waltzed with Chen Shuangcheng stiffly like a string puppet. Xu Youyi had her mind hidden in her eyes. She couldn't help looking back and searching for the figures of Zhang Wan and Zhou Heng, but she never found them. Waiting until the end of the music. The two were standing right in front of Xu Youyi, applauding for her.

Episode 2 of Couple of Mirrors (双镜)

After the banquet was over, Xu Youyi hid in a corner alone and watched Zhou Heng and Zhang Wan leave in the same car. She walked desperately against the light rain. Yan Wei stood at the door of the photo studio and saw her ask, "You are here to get it." What photos? Seeing the group photo of the three on the table, her tears flowed down unconsciously.

Xu Youyi, who came home early in the morning, saw two people sleeping on the sofa. Zhang Wan woke up and asked her where she was. Xu Youyi turned around and walked out as if she hadn't heard her. Xu Youyi watched the photo of her and Zhou Heng clenching her fists, looking at the hair on the pillow that did not belong to her, she could not bear to rush downstairs, just about to open her mouth to question Zhou Heng and Zhang Wan loudly, but found that Zhou's mother was here. Up. Xu Youyi watched her mother-in-law and Mr. Fujita sitting together, talking about her book, and was overjoyed when Xu Youyi learned that her book could be published in Japan. Later, Mr. Fujita and Zhou Mu were sent away. She went back to the bedroom and looked around everything, frantically looking for the clues left by Zhang Wan in the room. Xu Youyi trembled all over, and her eyes were full of fear in the mirrors.

Mr. Fujita took his suggestion for the new book to the Zhou Mansion for a second visit. Zhang Wan made a rebuttal after hearing it. Xu Youyi did not listen to Zhang Wan's suggestion, but agreed to Mr. Fujita's suggestion. After Xu Youyi and Mr. Fujita reached an agreement, Zhang Wan sent Mr. Fujita out. When Zhang Wan came back from outside, he saw Xu Youyi's dismissal letter on the table. He looked at Xu Youyi with a puzzled face. Xu Youyi did not explain, Zhang Wan His eyes flashed and turned and left.

President Wang and Xu Youyi sat in the office chatting about her new book, and curiously asked Xu Youyi why she didn't see Zhang Wan, and Xu Youyi calmly said that Zhang Wan had gone abroad to study. President Wang couldn't believe it and didn't ask much. After Zhou Heng picked up Xu Youyi, an employee and President Wang murmured, feeling that Xu Youyi was different from before. A few days later, President Wang and a few young ladies came to Zhou's as a guest and mentioned that Zhang Wan was looking for a job recently. Xu Youyi laughed and said nothing. By coincidence, Zhou Heng came home from outside, and when he saw a guest, he approached, and put his hand on Xu Youyi's shoulder affectionately, but Xu Youyi dodged her silently.

At night, the two people in the bedroom tacitly told Xu Youyi about Zhang Wan. Zhou Heng tentatively asked Xu Youyi about Zhang Wan. He didn't want to be choked by Xu Youyi's rhetorical question, so he interrupted the topic and said that he would take Xu Youyi to the old house for dinner tomorrow. . Zhou Heng bent down and hugged Xu Youyi tightly with a look of affection, but at this time Xu Youyi looked tired and lonely.

Xu Youyi was changing clothes in the bedroom of the old house. Zhou Heng asked her if she was ready. She accidentally glanced at the window and saw the leather bag appearing in the corner of the corridor. She was surprised, pretending to be calm, and found a reason to go out. When Xu Youyi changed her clothes and came out, she saw Zhou Heng at the end of the corridor preparing to say hello, only to find that a hand suddenly appeared for Zhou Heng to take care of the bow tie. She called Zhou Heng, and then the hand swished and closed it. go back. Xu Youyi asked Zhou Heng who it was just now. Zhou Heng hahad to cover up Xu Youyi. Xu Youyi wanted to continue to ask, but she was interrupted by Zhou's mother's call.

The hall was full of guests, and everyone was talking to each other. After the servant whispered to Zhou Heng, Zhou Heng hurriedly left his seat. Xu Youyi was a little uneasy, and when Zhou Heng left, she followed closely. With a slam the door was pushed open by Xu Youyi fiercely. The two people in front of her were her husband and her girlfriend. Xu Youyi stared at Zhang Wan fiercely. Before Zhou Heng could explain, she saw Zhang Wan looking at herself provocatively. Xu Youyi raised her dinner knife angrily. Before she could even start, Zhang Wan's body trembled and fell into a pool of blood. Among them, the person who fired was Yan Wei, the owner of Baihua Photo Studio.

A month ago, Yan Wei was standing on the second floor of the Baihua Photo Studio and was observing the situation of Jiang Bin and others on the street through a scope. Seeing Hongmei coming to the store to deliver milk, she put down her things and immediately went downstairs. , Quickly drank the milk that Hongmei had just sent, and returned the empty bottle to Hongmei. Yan Wei returned to the store and looked at the picture half-shielded by the curtains, her eyes filled with memories, and she remembered all the things she had been on the battlefield. Yan Wei's recollection was interrupted by a good-luck cat cry, and she knocked the cat's forehead dozingly, and then began to clean. When Yan Wei went out to eat, he met Di Ruffian Afa on the road and let him take the money in his wallet. Yan Wei returned to the photo studio in frustration, after thinking for a moment, followed in the direction where Afa had left. Yan Wei followed all the way to the slum area, looked at Afa's back and thoughtfully, and then returned to the photo studio.

The cat lay on the table boredly watching Yan Wei write Afa's background relationship on a blackboard, thinking that this person is very interesting. At this time, the door was suddenly kicked open from the outside, and the uninvited guest was Ah Fa, and he opened his mouth to collect protection fees with a severe threat. Yan Wei didn't say a word, glanced at the piggy bank on the cabinet, Ah Fa took it away and muttered and then covered Yan Wei, and then left the photo studio.

On this day, when Hongmei came to deliver the milk, it caught up with the rain, and because the basket was full of empty bottles when she came this time, she told Yan Wei that she would pick up the empty bottles when she came next time. Hong Mei wanted to find a topic to chat with Yan Wei, but after a few words, she realized that Yan Wei didn't care about herself. She felt embarrassed and rushed into the rain and left the photo studio. Yan Wei flipped through the book in her hand and watched Hong Mei's departure as if nothing had happened. After a while, he walked out under the umbrella.

Yan Wei walked slowly on the road, came to Hongmei's side, and held up an umbrella for her. Hongmei thanked Yan Wei as she walked, and she kept chattering. The two passed by the bookstore and saw a Xu Youyi poster at the door of the bookstore. Hongmei shook Yan Wei's arm in excitement, with a look of envy. Speaking of her own experience, Hongmei’s eyes were full of hope, and she also expressed her vision for the future, hoping that she could read and write like Xu Youyi, write a book, and marry a good family. Suddenly a car passed by and Yan Wei blocked the splashing water for Hong Sister. Hong Sister stopped and thanked Yan Wei again.

In the night, Hong Sister’s mother came out of Palimo holding a man drunk. When she saw Hong Sister counting the empty baby bottles in front of the door, she greeted a few words, and then asked Hong Sister for a dollar to buy a pack of cigarettes for smoking. . Hongmei downcast her head and counted the little money left after her mother asked her to leave, feeling a little sad. Not long after Hongmei's mother left, she heard a muffled bang, and a speeding car slammed into Hongmei's frail body.

Episode 3 of Couple of Mirrors (双镜)

Xu Youyi’s new bookmark sale scene was very hot, and the indifferent Yan Wei caught Xu Youyi’s attention. Xu Youyi gave Yan Wei a new book signed by herself, and Yan Wei prepared to give the book to Hongmei. Yan Wei took the book and left, leaving the only money she had and the things she bought to Xu Youyi.

Yan Wei, who hasn't waited for Hongmei to find Hongmei's home, sees Hongmei's mother who has not awakened from a hangover. Hongmei's mother doesn't care about her daughter's safety, but Hongmei has been missing for two days. Yan Wei learned of Hongmei's death from the boy who delivered the milk. After Hongmei was hit, the vehicle that caused the accident took the road and fled. Everyone wanted to send the dying Hongmei to the hospital, but was stopped by a person who ignored Hongmei's life and death in order to take pictures. No one claimed the red girl after her death, and the body has been kept in the police station. Yan Wei came to see Hongmei and sorted out her remains. Yan Wei was very disgusted by this cold cannibalistic society.

Yan Wei found through the license plate that the magician Zhen Shan was the one who took the photo at the time. When she came to see Zhen Shan's performance, everyone was attracted by Zhen Shan's magic, but Yan Wei seemed to see the tragic death of Red Sister. The gangster came to collect the protection fee again, and Yan Wei, who was indignant over the death of Hongmei, gave the gangster a lesson.

Yan Wei wants to avenge Hongmei, for which she carefully understands that Zhen Shan likes to perform dangerous magic tricks. The banquet was lively. Zhang Wan separated from Xu Youyi after receiving the note. Xu Youyi and Yan Wei, who was disguised as a waiter, passed by. Yan Wei stunned Zhen Shan and took away the props, chains and locks. When she left the room, she accidentally saw a man and a woman making love. The two fiercely smashed the dye and soiled the dress. Yan Wei recognized the woman. Once attended the signing ceremony with Xu Youyi.

Yan Wei modified the lock, which prevented Zhen Shan from opening it easily. Inspector Jiang Bin found the help of being stunned. He only called the lock when he woke up. Jiang Bin, who understood the reason, rushed into the performance scene, but at this time Zhen Shan had drowned and Jiang Bin and Yan Wei passed by.

Yan Wei tortured the owner of the car who was driving that night. The owner couldn't stand the torture and told Yan Wei that Zhang Wan was driving the car that night. The three of Xu Youyi happened to go to Yan Wei's photo studio to take promotional photos of Shanghai beauties, and Yan Wei got to know Zhang Wan and thought of Zhang Wan's adultery with Zhou Heng. Zhang Wan was afraid that the photo of the two flirting would be seen by Xu Youyi, and she left the address for Yan Wei to send the photo home.

Yan Wei met Hongmei's mother when she went to pay homage to Hongmei. Hongmei's mother cried and complained that Hongmei had died early and could not endure her retirement life. Yan Wei's expression in the heavy rain was extremely cold and chilling.

Yan Wei took Xu Youyi, who was soaked in the rain, back to the photo studio, and Xu Youyi volunteered to help make a meal to thank Yan Wei for her stay. Yan Wei showed Xu Youyi the photo, and Xu Youyi saw the photo of Zhang Wan flirting with Zhou Heng. Faced with Xu Youyi's bitter cry, Yan Wei, who was not good at comforting others, chose to give Xu Youyi a quiet space. Early in the morning, Xu Youyi thanked Yan Wei and reported to her family.

Let Yan Wei ask her for help if she has something to do. After Xu Youyi fired Zhang Wan, Zhang Wan put pressure on Zhou Heng, and Zhou Heng said that he could do nothing. Zhou Heng asked Zhang Wan to be patient, and Zhang Wan counted her contribution to Xu Youyi. She believed that there would be no today for Xu Youyi without herself. Zhou Heng asked Zhang Wan to think about it. These years, thanks to Xu Youyi, Zhang Wan has also made a lot of money. It was Zhou Heng who Zhang Wan took the initiative to seduce. Zhou Heng felt sorry for Xu Youyi. He hoped that Zhang Wan would either endure it or leave. How could Zhang Wan, who is strong and greedy, give up and let Zhou Heng start a company for herself, otherwise she would report the person who killed Zhou Heng in a car. The two secretly dated that night. Zhang Wan drank too much and drove the person to death. The victim was Red Girl. After the collision, Zhou Heng wanted to get out of the car and check, but Zhang Wan, who was sober, insisted on driving away. Zhou Heng, who was threatened, was unable to defend this, and the two broke up unhappy.

Yan Wei secretly placed a monitor in Zhang Wan's house, and Yan Wei followed the content of the conversation between the two to investigate the upcoming banquet at Zhou's house. Yan Wei took this opportunity to kill Zhang Wan.

Jiang Bin, who was patrolling nearby, reacted quickly when he heard the gunshots, but after the two met, Yan Wei escaped smoothly. Jiang Bin got the red rope that Yan Wei had taken from Hongmei. Xu Youyi was taken to the police station for questioning. Xu Youyi lied that she was cheating her own money because of Zhang Wan's fraudulent contract. She took a knife against Zhang Wan. Zhou Heng took Xu Youyi home. Xu Youyi didn't want to pay attention. Zhou Heng explained that Zhang Wan seduced herself. He hoped that Xu Youyi could forgive herself. Xu Youyi only felt that Zhou Heng was shameless.

The neighborhood was blocked by the police, and Yan Wei, who could not escape, threw away the gun decisively. Yan Wei was taken to the police station with everyone, and Xu Youyi saw Yan Wei at the door of the police station. Both Zhen Shan and Zhang Wan's case were handled by Jiang Bin. Jiang Bin linked the death of Hongmei to Zhang Wan through the assistance of his colleagues. Several people were discussing but were interrupted by the fire. Yan Wei secretly set a fire in the detention room. Everyone was eager to fight the fire and save people. Yan Wei took the opportunity to sneak into an office. Xu Youyi, who discovered that the police station was on fire, was worried about Yan Wei's safety. When she returned to search, she found Yan Wei's trace, but in order to avoid police searches, Xu Youyi failed to enter the office with Yan Wei.

Episode 4 of Couple of Mirrors (双镜)

Xu Youyi smashed the door of the archives room to rescue Yan Wei. In fact, Yan Wei went in to find the record of her identifying the body of Red Sister that day. Then Zhou Heng drove and the three left together. Yan Wei was very surprised by Xu Youyi's arrival. She never thought that anyone would risk herself to save herself. Jiang Bin discovered that the red string was probably taken away by the person who identified the body of Hong Sister, but when looking for it, he found that the record was missing. Someone alleged that Xu Youyi had gone in and out of the fire and took a woman away.

Newspapers published scandals surrounding Zhang Wan’s death, which caused Mrs. Zhou’s dissatisfaction with Xu Youyi. The culprit Zhou Heng sold well. Xu Youyi, who became more and more angry, slapped Zhou Heng. The angry Mrs. Zhou felt that Xu Youyi was not worthy of it. Zhou Heng. Jiang Bin came to the door for inquiries. Faced with Jiang Bin's inquiries, Xu Youyi denied it. Zhou Heng also came forward to testify. The unanimous wife Zhou used the police chief to suppress Jiang Bin, and Jiang Bin could only go home.

At Zhou Heng's request, Mrs. Zhou decided to let Xu Youyi go. She asked Xu Youyi to be Zhou's daughter-in-law. Back to the place where the gun was hidden, Yan Wei found that the gun was missing. The gangster took the gun first and showed it off everywhere, before being taken back to the police station by Jiang Bin. Jiang Bin knew that to have such a professional gun, his opponent must be very strong.

Because of Zhang Wan’s death, Xu Youyi was misunderstood as a murderer by the public, and even the sales of new books have declined. President Wang was worried about this, and Xu Youyi told him to stay calm. Xu Youyi and Zhou Heng attended Zhang Wan’s funeral together. At the funeral, Xu Youyi, as Zhang Wan’s best friend, expressed her love for Zhang Wan. Finally, Xu Youyi offered a 10,000 yuan bonus in front of the media to ask for clues about Zhang Wan’s shooting. . Xu Youyi's move not only caused an uproar among the reporters present, but also surprised Chu Huizi, the writer's enemy.

Jiang Bin, who was worried about the case, stayed alone in the office and worked overtime. Yan Wei, posing as a police officer, took the gun while Jiang Bin was leaving. Xu Youyi, who wanted to escape Zhou’s house temporarily, came to Yan Wei. Xu Youyi asked Yan Wei to invite herself to dinner on the pretext that she helped Yan Wei lie to the police. At this time, Yan Wei had just read the news about Xu Youyi’s offer of a reward in the newspaper.

Xu Youyi, who had eaten, wanted to stay overnight, but Yan Wei refused. Xu Youyi, who had made up his mind not to go home, ran up to the second floor of the photo studio. The mechanism on the second floor was trampled on by Xu Youyi. Yan Wei quickly forced Xu Youyi to bend over. Only then did Xu Youyi dodge the knife that slipped over her head. Not knowing the situation, Xu Youyi continued to walk in and accidentally triggered the arrow crossbow. Yan Wei kicked Xu Youyi and let her escape the arrow. It happened that Xu Youyi fell in front of the box containing the grenade, and Yan Wei, who was anxious and intelligent, memorized a section of Tagore's poem, and transferred Xu Youyi's attention to hide these things. Worrying that Xu Youyi might be in trouble again, Yan Wei urged Xu Youyi to take a bath as soon as possible.

Xu Youyi admired the usefulness of the shower. This is a shower made by Yan Wei deliberately with a helmet punched out by a gun. Xu Youyi's approval made Yan Wei very happy. Yan Wei asked Xu Youyi to sleep on the sofa. Xu Youyi proposed to sleep with Yan Wei, but Yan Wei refused directly. Yan Wei was awakened by the sound in the middle of the night. She took out the gun and remembered that there was Xu Youyi downstairs. It was Xu Youyi who accidentally broke the glass while drinking downstairs.

Yan Wei drank with Xu Youyi. Xu Youyi talked about her first love. She was a beautiful and educated reporter. Although Xu Youyi loved reporters very much, the professionalism of the reporter eventually separated the two. Xu Youyi regrets Zhou Heng's derailment. Before that, Zhou Heng was still a very good person to her. Although Xu Youyi hated Zhang Wan, she never wanted Zhang Wan to die. Xu Youyi, who confided in Yan Wei's family, asked about Yan Wei's family background. When she learned that Yan Wei was alone, Xu Youyi expressed sympathy. She felt that the two were very similar. Xu Youyi regarded Yan Wei as a friend and hoped that Yan Wei could ask herself for help when she had difficulties. The worried Xu Youyi fell drunk on Yan Wei's shoulder, and Yan Wei's mind kept echoing Xu Youyi's words to be friends with herself. She seemed to have seen the other side of Xu Youyi.

Peng Jiuyi, the gangster whitewashed from the underworld, is known as the Jiuye, and his treacherousness is the basis for his foothold. Chu Huizi, who was raised by Jiuye, had an affair with Jiuye’s subordinate Aqi. Even if Aqi knelt down and begged for mercy, Jiuye killed Aqi in front of Chu Huizi. This made Chu Huizi very scared, and Jiuye’s face was so condescending. Chu Huizi must pay attention to his words and deeds in the future. After Chu Huizi went home, he called and told the other party that he must leave immediately, otherwise he would ruin the other party.

Jiang Bin believes that Hong Sister's mother must know the information of the corpse examiner, but Hong Sister's mother is not willing to disclose it. Jiang Bin followed Hongmei's mother and found that Hongmei's mother was stealing the customer's wallet. Under this threat, Hongmei's mother said that it was a young and tall girl who was looking for her, but she did not see her appearance clearly. This reminded Jiang Bin of the young women who were similar in figure and very good skills.

Episode 5 of Couple of Mirrors (双镜)

Most of the Shanghai ladies’ circles are the daughters of high-ranking officials, and Xu Youyi, the daughter-in-law of the Zhou family, had to integrate into it. When the ladies played cards with President Wang, they talked about reporter Xie Yifan. Xie Yifan is a big journalist who is extremely valued by Nanjing. This person not only has the appearance of Yushu Linfeng, but also has the talent of proficient in four languages ​​and good writing style.

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there. Xie Yifan, who came to Shanghai, met with President Wang under the recommendation of a friend. Several ladies took the initiative to introduce themselves, but Xu Youyi turned a blind eye. President Wang introduced Xu Youyi to Xie Yifan, pretending to shake hands and say hello to the two who met for the first time. The reason why Xu Youyi was so abnormal was that Xie Yifan was her first boyfriend seven years ago.

Seven years ago, Xu Youyi, who was working in a cafe, was learning English. This attracted the attention of Xie Yifan, who was frequented by him. Xie Yifan recognized Xu Youyi's efforts, and Xu Youyi also admired Xie Yifan's talent. Love took root in the two of them. Later, in order to pursue a career, Xie Yifan insisted on leaving despite Xu Youyi's retention, and the two have never seen each other ever since.

Xie Yifan and Xu Youyi met by the river. Xie Yifan, who heard about Xu Youyi's recent situation, wanted to help Xu Youyi, but Xu Youyi, who was stronger, politely declined. Xu Youyi congratulated Xie Yifan on what she wanted. Xie Yifan said that he still has many regrets. He asked Xu Youyi whether she is happy now as the Queen Mother Gao Menkuo. After the two separated, Xu Youyi often thought of Xie Yifan's words. Although she did not answer at the time, Xu Youyi knew that she was not happy.

Xu Youyi attended the dance party with two celebrities. The two of them were in front of them and showed great enthusiasm to Xu Youyi, but they secretly talked about Zhou Heng's derailment behind their backs, and their words were full of contempt and ridicule for Xu Youyi. The words of the two were heard by Xu Youyi, and Xu Youyi left alone in sadness. At this time, Xu Youyi kept replaying the experience of this time in his mind. Zhou Heng cheated, Zhang Wan was killed, the funeral offered a reward and the conversation between the two just now. When the absent-minded Xu Youyi walked to a room, she was attracted by the sound of the candlestick falling. She picked up the candlestick and asked who was behind the door. Only a dark shadow passing by was the answer. Xu Youyi boldly picked up the candlestick. At this moment, the waitress screamed from behind. Xu Youyi, who was puzzled, opened the door in front of her gently. What she saw was the scene of Chu Huizi falling in a pool of blood. Xu Youyi was overwhelmed. No sound can be heard.

Yan Wei, who was cutting the photo, remembered the time she used to be a mercenary. She was probably just a killing machine at that time. Since returning to China to meet Xu Youyi, Yan Wei finally felt the warmth of friendship. The death of Chu Huizi pushed Xu Youyi to the forefront. The newspapers advertised that Xu Youyi was the murderer. Yan Wei, who learned of this, was very worried. She quietly went to the roof to spy on Zhou Mansion with a binoculars. At this time, the gate of Zhou Mansion was already full. Reporter.

Zhou Heng comforted Xu Youyi that she would face her together. Xu Youyi seemed to be moved but filed for a divorce. Zhou Heng asked Xu Youyi why she could not forgive herself once. But in retrospect of the past, Xu Youyi discovered that since Zhou Heng’s derailment, everything around her All are developing in an uncontrollable direction, and she wants to escape from all this.

Zheng Bin found a red rope when trying to reproduce the incident at the crime scene. This red rope was very similar to the red rope of Hongmei. Combined with the narration of Xu Youyi and the waitress, he believed that there must be a third person at the scene. . But in view of the old grievances between Xu Youyi and Chu Huizi, Zheng Bin wanted to ask Xu Youyi again. When Zheng Bin came to Zhou Mansion, he was catching up with Xu Youyi carrying his luggage and preparing to leave. After Zheng Bin explained his intention, Zhou Heng tried his best to defend Xu Youyi, and Minister Zhou, who had received the news, also rushed back.

Zhou Heng thanked his father for taking the shot in time. The seemingly amiable Minister Zhou not only beat Zhou Heng with a cane, but also made Zhou Heng kneel down and apologize to Xu Youyi. Seeing that Xu Youyi was unwilling to accept, Minister Zhou talked to Xu Youyi alone. Minister Zhou admitted Zhou Heng's mistake and expressed his understanding of Xu Youyi, which made Xu Youyi red eyes. Later Minister Zhou hinted that Xu Youyi could help her publish the new book overseas, provided that Xu Youyi could not divorce Zhou Heng. Xu Youyi, who is not willing, has no other choice. Minister Zhou’s secretary Han Jinwei is good at handling public relations crises. He arranged for Xu Youyi a series of positive image activities, including an interview, which made Xu Youyi unacceptable.

The death of Chu Huizi surprised Master Jiu, and he couldn't accept the hasty conclusion of the death of Chu Huizi by the Police Department. Jiu Ye thinks that Chu Huizi's death cannot be separated from Xu Youyi. Since Minister Zhou only covers the sky, he can only act in secret. After receiving Jiu Ye's order, A Chao plans to secretly kidnap Xu Youyi.

Xu Youyi and Zhou Heng who participated in the day's activities were very tired, but Zhou Heng still prepared a supper for Xu Youyi diligently. Xu Youyi, who saw through Zhou's family, was very disgusted with Zhou Heng, and she refused Zhou Heng's favor.

Character Cast of Couple of Mirrors (双镜)

Zhang Nan as Xu Youyi

Famous actress in Shanghai, wealthy eldest daughter-in-law. Although she was born in a poor family, she became the most famous female writer in Shanghai through her own efforts, and then married Zhou Heng and became Mrs. Kuo. He is weak on the outside, kind and firm on the inside, and has a strong sense of professionalism. He is a person who can always find a way out in adversity.

Sun Yihan as Yan Wei

A genius sniper with agility and rich combat experience. He was abducted and sold abroad when he was a teenager and was trained as a mercenary. He runs a photo studio on Wangjiang Street, but because he has grown up on the battlefield since he was a child, he has poor social skills and is very concerned about people around him but is not good at expressing it.

He Fengtian as Jiang Bin

The police inspector was meticulous and conscientious, hoping to find the murderer of Zhang Wan and the magician.

Liu Zhiyang as Zhou Heng

Xu Youyi's husband is not focused on love and can't resist the temptation. On the surface, I am intimate with Xu Youyi, but secretly communicate with Xu Youyi's best friend Zhang Wan. Because of the misunderstanding, Xu Youyi kept thinking about her ex-boyfriend Xie Yifan, and kept cheating.

Fang Anna as Zhang Wan

Xu Youyi’s best friend and agent, the two grew up together and supported each other in Shanghai, but Zhang Wan felt that Xu Youyi’s achievements today were due to her own credit. After being found affair with Zhou Heng, she became more and more frantic. Xu Youyi was irritated, but because she had killed Hongmei before, she was shot and killed by Yan Wei.

Zhou Dawei as Xie Yifan

Xu Youyi's ex-boyfriend, the two met in Weishi and had a very beautiful relationship, but because of different ideas, they finally broke up. After Zhang Wan’s death, Xu Youyi and Zhou Heng broke up. Xie Yifan returned to Shanghai as the chief reporter of Ta Kung Pao and pursued Xu Youyi. However, in the face of this lost relationship, Xu Youyi did not look back.

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